Implementing high value managed IP private network services to generate long-term above-market returns
(Hong Kong, 15 March 2001) Anticipating a rapidly growing IP private network market in Greater China, the leading Greater China IP Carrier, Diyixian.com Limited will join forces with Cisco Systems (HK) Ltd, Polycom Hong Kong Limited and Corporate Technology Ltd to launch a half-day seminar on March 20, 2001 to explore the latest trends and developments of managed IP private network solutions.
A virtual private network (private network), which sends private data securely through a shared network, can provide major cost savings over other methods of achieving remote access. As far back as the early 1990s, private networks using WAN data communications technologies like Frame Relay and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) became very popular as lower cost, higher capacity alternatives for companies using leased T1 lines. Although adoption of Frame Relay and ATM private networks continues to grow, both services are showing signs of maturity.
In contrast, private networks that uses Internet protocol (IP private networks), which provide encrypted communications over the Internet using protocols like IPsec, L2TP and PPTP, have faster projected growth rates. As the adoption rate of Frame relay and ATM private networks slackens in the next few years, IP private networks will become the preferred medium for secure data transfers.
IP private networks enable enterprises to connect their branch offices, telecommuters, mobile users, suppliers and partners to their private network securely using a shared IP infrastructure buttressed by the flexibility, ubiquity and economy of Internet protocols. As well as providing built-in security solutions (ie. packet authentication, firewalls to prevent unauthorized traffic, and an encryption system to help conceal the data intended for transport), IP private networks can also support efficient bandwidth management and a wide range of transport-centric applications, including IP multicasting, Web-based videoconferencing, IP fax, distance learning and B2B/B2C trading services.
Examining one of the most talked about technologies for extending corporate networks beyond the corporate campus, the half-day seminar will help businesses to look for a cost-effective solution to their remote access requirements. According to Lap Man, CEO of Diyixian.com, ¡§the seminar will enable participants to take full advantage of managed IP private network technologies and realize the potential savings, and to perceive the difference between wholly enterprise-managed IP private networks and carrier-managed IP private network solutions.¡¨
What Man refers to is the increasing popularity of outsourced, managed IP private networks and related solutions in the Greater China market. IP private networks are increasingly provided by carriers as managed products running on high-speed backbones. With managed IP private networks and their accompanying solutions, enterprise users will be able to completely do away with the complexity of managing their networks, handing over all management and operation basics to a carrier for affordable and reliable services.
Compared to IP private networks set up and operated by corporate personnel, carrier managed IP private networks offer the advantage of lower workloads for in-house IT staff. Another advantage is that managed IP private network providers can connect private networks over their own backbone networks, completely avoiding connections through the Internet with its performance uncertainties.
Details of the seminar:
Date: March 20, 2001 (Tue)
Venue: Everest Suite, Pacific Place Conference Centre, Level 5, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong
Time: 14:00 ¡V 17:00
Medium: Cantonese
Highlights of the seminar:
14:00 ¡V 14:30 Registration
14:30 ¡V 15:00 Achieving Cost-effective Connectivity Solutions across Greater China,Horace Tsang, Regional Manager, Business Development,Diyixian.com Limited
15:00 ¡V 15:30 Access private network Architecture, Barany Mok, Systems Engineer, Cisco Systems (HK) Ltd
15:30 ¡V 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 ¡V 16:15 private network Video Conferencing Solution for Greater China, Wendy Wong, Channel Marketing Manager, North Asia, Polycom Hong Kong Limited
16:15 ¡V 16:45 Interoperability between IP Fax and Email Solutions, Victor Wong, Sales Manager, Corporate Technology Ltd
16:45 ¡V 17:00 Cocktail reception
Interested parties, please contact us at (852) 2187 7642 or email hkmkt@dyxnet.com